A Weighty Matter
I awoke this morning
And examined a new diet
I thought to myself
It wouldn't hurt to try it!
As I glanced at the tidy packages
From the first to the last
I was ready to begin
With powdered “Lose Weight fast.”
I unzipped a tiny package
And poured in some water
(It would barely suffice
To hydrate a baby daughter).
It occurred to me as I stirred
And stirred it again
(Trying to find something
To remove at least one chin...)
That if this food was so perfect-
Each drink I must make
How come Eden's garden
Didn't come with a shake?
Green veggies and rosy apples,
Plump pears, bananas and more
All kinds of sweet fruit
I can get fresh from the store.
But nowhere do I see in the packages
Ere I peek inside them
Any luscious sweet nourishments
There's no place to hide them!
So, I've reconsidered just have fast I must lose
Along with the weigh loss method to choose.
I will just march along slowly wearing a grin
And accept all of photos with at least one double chin.
I will eat my veggies
My fruit plump and ripe
And when I can't have bacon
I'll try not to gripe.
I will cut down on sweets
And try to be good
About exercising each day
While eating those things I should.
So bye bye powered stuff
Sold in tiny packets
I tried that route
And I just couldn't hack it.
I need crunching and chomping
And flavor and taste
Otherwise lunchtime
Would just be a waste!
I love aroma and flavor-
Steam rising up that just won't stop:
I need seasonings and salads
With croûtons on top.
I need the nutrients
That God put in our food
Along with the flavors
That makes it so good!
But if all of that fails
And my frame is not svelte
If my cheeks are still plump
And my ankles still “swelt”...
I will work from home
And not venture out any more
But just treat all of my photos
With Adobe CS4...
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