If you are like me, you think your life is so simple and normal that you don't really have anything profound to leave to the generations to come. But as simple and normal as we are, we are unique! Only we (and God) know our thoughts, our hopes and dreams and the us that lives within us. Only we can share our honest feelings. A few words on the back of photos in my grandmother's handwriting is a treasure. How I wish it had been a bit more. My mom had a very distinct handwriting that makes me smile when I see it. My dad rarely wrote anything on Mom's letters to us, but when he did, it was special.
I have bought orphan photos at antique stores because they were beautiful and historical. They probably meant nothing to the heirs because there were no words on the back or in albums telling them the story behind the photos. I bought a beautiful vintage album of photos but again, meaningless unless you were there, because there was not a single word. I imagine that all of these unsmiling people in vintage costumes may be frowing because they took the time to have these formal portraits made so they would be remembered and now some stranger has them in her bookshelf...
Take the time to write a few words on your wonderful pages or in a diary or even on a computer cd and slip it into the back of the scrapbook so that people can enjoy your pages and remember you for the wonderful, delightful and special person that you are. It doesn't have to be anything profound, just something that shows them "you".
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